Wednesday, April 27, 2016

Virginia DUI Attorney: Uber and Lyft Drivers with Ignition Interlocks is a Problem

While Uber and Lyft continue to be immensely popular, various safety issues have surrounded the ride-sharing companies.  A new issue that has cropped up involves drivers with interlock devices in their car who are forced to blow into the machine during a pick-up.  Uber and Lyft have both come under fire for their background check policies in the past.  According to company policies for both companies, “people who have been convicted of an alcohol-related offense within the past seven years aren’t allowed to drive for Uber or Lyft.”
            The background checks that both companies conduct before hiring a new driver are supposed to catch criminal and traffic convictions.   For two companies that tout how important safety is to them, it is surprising that there are some drivers that manage to sneak through the cracks.  For a job that is solely based on driving, there should not be anyone with an alcohol-related offense on their record who is driving people around as a job.  This has become a problem in many states because once an initial background check is conducted, there are no follow ups.  So, if a driver who had no convictions when the background check was conducted, but a year later gets a DUI, there is no requirement that further checks be conducted each year.  This is how we get Uber and Lyft drivers on the road with interlock devices installed in their vehicles.
            Virginia is a notable exception because, unlike many other states, there is a requirement for drivers to notify the ride-sharing companies of any incident that could jeopardize their employment.  There is a penalty of civil or criminal charges or a yearlong ban for failure to inform.

If you are charged with an alcohol-related offense in Virginia and would like a free legal consultation or if you would like more information please feel free to contact our office at (703) 916-1227 and schedule an appointment at our office in Vienna or throughout Virginia, or visit us on the web at

Tuesday, April 19, 2016

Virginia DUI Attorney: The Consequences of Driving Under the Influence

  1.       Driving under the influence in VA is a serious charge with harsh mandatory sentences.
a.       The amount of jail time you could face, the fine, and length of license suspension depend on two things – your BAC, and the number of priors you have.
  2.       First time offenders
a.       With a BAC below .15 you will not face mandatory jail time, but a judge can impose a sentence up to one year.  If you caused an accident you could definitely still be looking at jail time even if it’s your first time and you have a low BAC.
b.      A BAC above .15 carries a mandatory minimum jail sentence of 5 days.
c.       A BAC above .20 will get you a 10 day minimum sentence.
d.      Your license will be suspended automatically for 12 months.
                                                               i.      In order to get a restricted driver’s license, you’ll have to install an ignition interlock device on your vehicle and be monitored through VASAP – the Virginia Alcohol Safety Action Program.
  3.       Unlike in Maryland, there is no probation before judgment for first time offenders.
a.       Every guilty finding results in a conviction.
b.      One way an attorney can help first time offenders is to broker an agreement with the State’s Attorney to an amended charge.
                                                               i.      For example, first time offenses with a low BAC can sometimes by pleaded down to a “wet reckless” charge, which is a type of reckless driving charge.
                                                             ii.      A wet reckless doesn’t count as a DUI offense for purposes of your criminal record and carries no mandatory jail time. 
  4.       Second time offenders
a.       For second time offenders, the stakes go way up.
b.      If it’s your second offense in five years, you’re facing a mandatory minimum of a 30 day jail sentence.
                                                               i.      If your BAC is below .15, you might get out in 20 days, but if your BAC is above .15, you’ll serve the sentence day for day.
                                                             ii.      A BAC above .20 will get you a mandatory 40 day sentence.
c.       All second time offenders will see their license suspended for three years.  You won’t be eligible for a restricted license until one full year of hard suspension is served.
  5.       Third time offenders
a.       A third DUI within ten years is a felony and carries a 1-5 year sentence to be served in state prison.

b.      For offenders with three DUI’s in five years, the mandatory minimum of executed time in prison is six months.

If you are charged with DUI/DWI in Virginia and would like a free legal consultation or if you would like more information please feel free to contact our office at (703) 916-1227 and schedule an appointment at our office in Vienna or throughout Virginia, or visit us on the web at

Friday, April 8, 2016

As Prom and Graduation Season Begins, Officials Warn Students About Drinking and Driving

           Prom season is upon us in Virginia for many high schoolers, and graduation season is just a few weeks away.  Every year around this time, there is usually a spike in DUI-related accidents and arrests.  The Virginia DMV even says that, “more teen drivers in Virginia will be involved in crashes between April and August than any other time of the year.”
           While officials and parents are constantly warning teens about the consequences of drinking and driving, one county in Virginia decided to show high school students the dangers firsthand.  Local law enforcement officials conducted a simulation of an accident that was caused by drinking and driving.  In this simulation, an innocent person was killed, another was paralyzed, and the drunk driver was arrested for DUI manslaughter and faces serious jail time.  Officials are hoping that by letting students see the horrific effects of drinking and driving, instead of just telling them about it, that this will save at least one life.
            The consequences of making that decision to drink and drive in Virginia are very serious.  In addition to significant fines and losing your driver’s license for a period of time, there is a risk of jail time, especially if you cause an accident or have been convicted of a DUI previously.  Further, you will have to live the rest of your life with a DUI showing up on your record.

If you are charged with DUI or DWI in Virginia and would like a free legal consultation or if you would like more information on DUI or DWI please feel free to contact our office at (703) 916-1227 and schedule an appointment at our office in Alexandria or throughout Virginia, or visit us on the web at