Friday, March 11, 2016

Virginia Criminal Defense Attorney: Everything Drivers Need to Know About Speeding in Virginia

           In most states, speeding is not viewed as a serious offense, and for that reason, drivers do not worry about being pulled over for going over the limit.  In Virginia, drivers must beware of the harsh consequences they will face for speeding if caught by police.  There is no simple fine to pay and you go on with your life.  Instead, jail time is a real possibility for speeders.
          Laws in Virginia prohibit going over 80mph or more than 20mph over the speed limit.  If caught doing either of these things, you will be charged with reckless driving, which is treated the same way as a DUI: it is a criminal misdemeanor offense.  Many drivers speed every day on the roads without any hesitation.  If you are in Virginia, you should pay attention to speed limits and your own speed.  It is not worth it to risk going to jail and/or losing your driver’s license just because you want to get to your destination a few minutes earlier.
         If you receive a regular speeding ticket or a reckless driving ticket, it is important to hire an experienced local Virginia attorney to help you defend the charges and limit the consequences you face.  Every county is different in terms of what speed usually results in jail time.  Some counties will order jail time if you were going 100mph or more; others will order jail time if you were going 90mph or more.  Your attorney can try and drop the reckless driving charge down to a regular speeding ticket to avoid any jail time.  However, if you have multiple speeding offenses on your driving record, judges will not look favorably on that and a more severe penalty is likely.

If you are charged with speeding or reckless driving in Virginia and would like a free legal consultation or if you would like more information please feel free to contact our office at (703) 916-1227 and schedule an appointment at our office in Vienna or throughout Virginia, or visit us on the web at

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