Thursday, May 12, 2016

Blood Alcohol Test is Called into Question in Virginia DUI Case

In Virginia, there is a penalty for refusing a blood alcohol test in a drunk driving arrest.  This is not an abnormal law by any means.  In fact, most states impose a penalty on drivers in DUI cases that refuse a blood alcohol test.  In Virginia, a first time refusal results in a one year license suspension and is only a civil offense.  Subsequent violations are considered criminal offenses.
            Virginia’s implied consent law makes it unlawful for an impaired driver to “unreasonably refuse” to have blood or breath samples taken for chemical tests.  When an officer pulls someone over for suspicion of DUI, they are required to advise the arrestee that anyone operating a vehicle on Virginia highways is deemed to have consented to chemical testing.  A Fairfax County Circuit Court DUI case is challenging this issue under the Constitution.  Can a state “punish a driver for refusing a warrantless test to measure blood alcohol content?”
            In the past, Virginia Circuit Court judges have rejected challenges to Virginia’s implied consent law.  The specific question presented in this case has never been brought before the Virginia courts.  If the Court was to rule in favor of the Defendant on this question, it would require police officers to obtain a warrant for administering the alcohol test.
           The argument being made by the Defendant in this case is that the “government cannot punish a person or rescind a governmentally bestowed privilege as a consequence for refusing to waive a constitutional right against unreasonable warrantless searches.”  Without a warrant requirement for obtaining this type of evidence, police are effectively forcing people to consent to giving up evidence against themselves.

           If you are charged with DUI or DWI in Virginia and would like a free legal consultation or if you would like more information on DUI or DWI please feel free to contact our office at (703) 916-1227 and schedule an appointment at our office in Vienna or throughout Virginia, or visit us on the web at

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